Samurai Premium Estuary Blanks

Manufacturer Samurai

8 Models | Charcoal Grey Finish | 1-2 PCE
$ 184.00

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Samurai Premium Estuary Blanks 

With the ultra fast taper and light tip, this blank will cast light lures or unweighted plastics with ease.

 Model  Length Description  PCS  Line Class (lbs)  Action  Butt Dia (mm) Tip Dia (mm)  Weight (gms) 
SP101-C  7' With the ultra fast taper and light tip, this blank will cast light lures or unweighted plastics with ease.  1  2-4  Very Fast  11.4  1.8  39
SP101-2C  7' With the ultra fast taper and light tip, this blank will cast light lures or unweighted plastics with ease.  2  2-4  Very Fast  11.1  1.4  27
SP201-C  7' The perfect bream blank, with its light tip and fast taper this is great for plastics and feeling those all important bites.  1  2-6  Very Fast  12.6  1.7  49
SP201-2C  7' The perfect bream blank, with its light tip and fast taper this is great for plastics and feeling those all important bites.  2  2-6  Very Fast   12.7  1.6  44
SP203-C  7' Designed to have the same power as the 201 but a slower taper and is designed for using with hard bodied lures so you don’t pull hooks unlike a faster tapered rod  1  2-6  Medium Fast  11.8  1.4  41
SP203-2C   7'  Designed to have the same power as the 201 but a slower taper and is designed for using with hard bodied lures so you don’t pull hooks unlike a faster tapered rod  2  2-6  Medium Fast  12.3  1.6  43
SP302-C  7'  Stepping up in class from our bream range to the heavier estuary or light snapper rod, a great all round blank to chase Flathead to Jew or sneak outside for those snapper  1  6-12  Fast  10.6  1.8  51
SP302-2C  7'  Stepping up in class from our bream range to the heavier estuary or light snapper rod, a great all round blank to chase Flathead to Jew or sneak outside for those snapper  2  6-12  Fast  10.3  1.8  44