Fuji LC Casting Guide
BB Gloss Dark Grey, BC Grey, CC Silver or CC Gunmetal, Black, Gunsmoke or Polished Frames | Alconite, Oxide or SiC Rings | 5mm-20mm rings
$ 4.50

Product Information
Multi-purpose specialty casting guide used as a stripper guide on large surf rods but is available down to a size 5 and can be used as a running guide as well. Matching Tips - BLCAG-BMGAT,BFAT | LCSG-MGST,FST | PLCSG-PMGST,PMNST,PFST | LCOG-POT,FOT,PFST | BCLCAG-BCLGAT,BCMNAT | BCLCOG-BCFOT,BCMNOT | CCLCAG-CCLGAT,CCMNAT | CCLCOG-CCFOT,CCMGOT | GMLCSG-GMMNST,GMLGST | BBLCAG-BBLGAT, BBMGAT, BBMNAT