Black/Grey Straight Camo Duralon

Black Grey Straight Camo Duralon
Manufacturer Frogleys Offshore

3 Lengths | 1/4" ID - 1 1/8" ID
$ 11.50

Black/Grey Straight Camo Duralon

Black/Grey Straight Camo Duralon in assorted lengths and larger IDs for Aussie surf blanks. Duralon can be easily shaped to the shape and look you want.

 ID (mm)  OD (mm)
 6.0 (1/4")  29.0
 9.0 (3/8")  29.0
 12.0 (1/2")  29.0
 15.0 (5/8")  31.5
 19.0 (3/4")  31.5
 22.0 (7/8")  35.0
 25.0 (1")  36.0
28.0 (11/8") 38.0